Monday, March 2, 2009


Last week, I only had an average of 4hrs of sleep a day. In psych, we studied that everyone needs some REM sleep, basically, we need to dream :) So when we lack sleep, we don't get enough REM sleep. So this past few days, I've been having weird dreams to recover what I've missed. Those were really weird dreams, that I will be sharing today!:) Yehey!

Dream number 1: Ask me alryt? I don't want to share it here in my blog. haha!

Dream number 2: As I have already shared, our year ender party for SPEED is just a few ways away! I'm so excited! Gonna dress up for the Parteh! And in my drean, all of us are having the best day of our lives, we ate, we drink, we were merry. Plus, in my dream, we found a suitable and affordable venue! Our party was held on a rooftop (don't really know where, maybe it's just a creation of my imagination, haha). In the party, having gone through all the programs, it's time to bond with the members and have fun! Then, a SPEED member, (weird part), asked me to smoke! And I agreed, and we all smoked! I don't even smoke. SO it's kind of weird. So basically my dream ended us all smoking on the roof top. hahaha!

So far, I only had two dreams, but I'm expeecting more since I was sleep deprived for 1 whole week. hha! I'll just update when something comes up. yey!

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